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2000 APEC部长会议











HLP on Digital Cooperation

Theconference focused on "Further the Popularization and Normalization ofDigital Cooperation". At the beginning of the meeting, the dais encouragedthe representatives of various countries to speak actively, and therepresentatives of each country first focused on "Popularization",thus putting forward a related initiative on "Education". "Thepossibility of establishing international educational cooperation mechanism", and "Constructing educational base " were discussed. At theend of the first period meeting, dais mentioned: first of all, thank everyonefor actively speaking, then suggested to the representatives that puttingforward more specific measures, combining the standpoint of national and thetheme——"Further the Popularization and Normalization of DigitalCooperation", also hoping that the representatives stick to the theme,concern whether the theme is focused on motion and the speech is carried out inaccordance with the logic.


Aftera two-hour break, the second session meeting was started as scheduled. Afterthe first session, the second session went more smoothly. At the beginning ofthe meeting, representatives from various countries proposed a series ofinitiatives, such as: "the demand and accessibility of availableresources", "increasing the investment in digital technology","prohibiting technology monopoly", "specific provisions fordigital cooperation", "reducing tariffs on technology products","cyber security as a national defense issue". After the secondsession of the meeting, the dais summarized: "I am glad that everyone canfirst state their positions. However, if further progress is needed, it stillneeds to be refined to the workable level to better check the backgroundinformation. Compared with the first session in the morning, the second sessionhas made great progress. There was confrontation among representatives ofvarious countries, but the latter session has reached a bottleneck. I hopeevery representative can read the background document further after the secondsession.



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