2016年8月-2022年12月 香港中文大学地理与资源管理系,地理与资源管理,博士
2014年8月-2016年7月,香港中文大学地理与资源管理学系、中国城市住宅研究中心, 研究助理
[1] 住建部绿色科技中心-绿色建筑评价台湾专委会青年委员;
[2] 国际中国规划学会(IACP)会员;
[3] 美国绿色建筑委员会(LEED GA)绿色专才;
[4] 担任《Humanities and Social Sciences Communications》、《Energy & Buildings》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Journal of Urban Technology》、《地域开发与研究》等中英文期刊审稿人。
[1] 主持香港中文大学全球卓越研究计划(2018-2019年)
[2] 主持香港中文大学中建东方高-资源管理科研项目(2017年)
[3] 参与爱尔兰国家基金委项目:以中国城市大脑为代表的人工智能系统支持的预期城市治理理论ORACLE_ A new theory of AI-enabled anticipatory urban governance focused on city brains(博士后项目,2023-2024年)
[4] 参与埃克塞特大学研究项目:中国智慧城市与市民研究—以社会信用体系为例 Citizenship and the Chinese smart city: China’s Social Credit System experiment(博士后项目,2021-2022年)
[5] 参与香港研究资助局一般项目:增长机器vs可持续社区:中国城市社区价值Growth machines? Sustainable communities? Values and urban fortunes in Chinese cities;Community capacities, social capital, citizen values and impact assessment(2014-2016年)
[1] Ying Xu*, Federico Cugurullo, Heming Zhang, Alexander Gaio, and Weishi Zhang, The Emergence of Artificial Intelligence in Anticipatory Urban Governance: Multi-Scalar Evidence of China’s Transition to City Brains, Journal of Urban Technology, 2024, (0): 1-25.
[2] Ying Xu, Weishi Zhang*, Tengfei Huo, David G. Streets, Can Wang, Investigating the spatio-temporal influences of urbanization and other socioeconomic factors on city-level industrial NOx emissions: A case study in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2023, (99), 106998.
[3] Ying Xu, Caprotti F.*, Weishi Zhang, M. Pan, The socioenvironmental state and urban transitions: Eco-urbanism in China and the UK. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 2022, 6(3): 1682-1704.
[4] W. Zhang1, Ying Xu*1. Assessment of the driving factors of CO2 mitigation costs of household biogas systems in China: A LMDI decomposition with cost analysis model, Renewable Energy. 2022, (181), 978-989.
[5] Ying Xu, Weishi Zhang*, Jionghua Wang, Siping Ji, Can Wang, David G. Streets. Investigating the spatially heterogeneous impacts of urbanization on city-level industrial SO2 emissions: Evidence from night-time light data in China. Ecological Indicators. 2021, (133), 108430.
[6] 徐颖*,肖锐琴,张为师. 中心城区铁路站场综合开发的探索与实践—以香港西九龙站和重庆沙坪坝站点开发为例. 现代城市研究. 2021年第09期, 63-70.
[7] Federico Cugurullo, Ying Xu, When AIs become oracles: generative artificial intelligence, anticipatory urban governance, and the future of cities, Policy and Society, 2024, puae025.
[8] Federico Caprotti, Ying Xu & Shiuh-Shen Chien: Variegated Platform Urbanism: Social Credit and the City, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 2024, (09 Aug). DOl: 10.1080/24694452.2024.2380896.
[1] Ying Xu, Federico Caprotti, Crison Chien, Weishi Zhang, The Smartmentality of Urban Data Politics: Evidence from Two Chinese Cities. (EARCAG-GPE 2023 Conference, Best Paper Award)
[2] Ying Xu, Towards More Flourishing Environmental Wellbeing–Understand Eco-city from a Perspective of Urban Political Ecology, Hong Kong Geography Day 2018, HKGA (香港地理学会2018年年会最佳论文奖)